Articoli Recenti

domenica 24 ottobre 2010

MusicBar S60v5

Installando MusicBar si avranno i controlli del lettore musicale in qualsiasi schermata del telefono

Upgrade to 1.0.1:
- Fixed dialog exclusion
- Fixed creeping track information
- Help supplemented with a section on tuning for custom player
- Changed order of icons (now shown when paused play, and vice versa)

- Semitransparent-bar player control
- Ability to hang a show-hide the bar in any key
- Ability to control as a standard player, as well as third party
- Display information about the position and played tracks (is disconnected)
- Startup
- No hanging in tree
- No icons running application
- Ability to contact the developer of the program
- Detailed

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